Nova vulnerabilidade de DNS permite que hackers iniciem ataques em larga escala
Pesquisadores israelenses divulgaram detalhes sobre uma nova falha no protocolo DNS que pode...
Pesquisadores israelenses divulgaram detalhes sobre uma nova falha no protocolo DNS que pode...
Após muitas votações, o Senado aprovou definitivamente o projeto de lei 1.179/20, que...
Empresas dos mais variados portes e segmentos tem utilizado cada vez mais a...
O e-mail é uma ferramenta de comunicação imprescindível no dia a dia das...
Conforme os dias passam nós evoluímos, e assim também acontece com a tecnologia...
Proxies provide an important layer in an information security architecture. Broadly speaking, these solutions offer more...
Ler a notíciaWeb security is a subject that deserves user’s attention, since it is where the biggest challenges...
Ler a notíciaThe need for information security in corporate environments is constant, more and more companies are seeking...
Ler a notíciaProductivity in modern corporate environments is increasingly related to communication: whether in written format, over the...
Ler a notíciaIn the corporate world, the internet is a highly representative asset to businesses. Whether it is...
Ler a notíciaThe internet is an indispensable resource for the great majority of companies, considering the volume of...
Ler a notíciaThe use of the Internet, in a corporate environment, is no longer a matter of choice....
Ler a notíciaThe amount of content made available on the internet over time has become a major challenge...
Ler a notíciaThere are many ways to calculate the losses generated by the misuse of the internet in...
Ler a notícia[rev_slider alias="ebook-filtro-web-360x280"][/rev_slider] The internet presents a growing variety of websites, covering a multitude of contents for audiences...
Ler a notíciaProxies provide an important layer in an information security architecture. Broadly speaking, these solutions offer more...
Ler a notíciaThe Internet is increasingly present in business activities, regardless of segment or size. There is a...
Ler a notíciaISO 27001 is a very relevant standard for companies seeking ISO certification, since it is responsible...
Ler a notícia[rev_slider alias="ebook-filtro-web-360x280"][/rev_slider] The steady increase in the use of web services - such as access to...
Ler a notícia[rev_slider alias="360x280-cope-x-byod"][/rev_slider]It is increasingly common for employees to perform tasks, associated with work, through personal devices,...
Ler a notíciaFirewall is one of the assets of a security architecture, strategically positioned between two or more...
Ler a notíciaAlthough not the primary function of a web proxy, many implementations, in addition to enabling controls...
Ler a notíciaE-mail is an essential communication tool in companies' daily routines, for not only speeding up the...
Ler a notíciaIn an increasingly competitive and demanding market, agility in communications and processes is a key factor...
Ler a notícia[rev_slider alias="360x280-vpn-beneficios-e-aplicacoes"][/rev_slider]With a more and more globalized economy, companies start to look for geographical spraying, with...
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