General 3min de Leitura - 18 de July de 2018

SD-WAN, main concepts and operating model

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Тhe volume of information we are dealing with today is surreal. It is estimated that only in this last year the amount of information generated and made available on the Internet has been greater than anything that has ever been produced in the history of mankind!

Bernard Marr, a writer and corporate consultant specializing in big data and business performance, estimates that by 2020 every person in the world will create about 1.7 megabytes of new information per second!

With so much information being created and circulating across the network, it becomes imperative that new technologies and solutions be put in place to ensure that data travels with complete security, especially on corporate networks.

Understanding WAN and its limitations in the present day

The Wide Area Network (WAN) is a long-distance network with a large geographical area. A good example for WAN representation is the Internet itself, since it covers a global geographic area, connecting countries and continents.

With so much information circulating on the networks, companies that know how to use all of this in their favor will succeed. And for that, it is necessary that this data can travel with more fluidity and security, since it does not happen so well with the WAN infrastructures we have nowadays.

Currently most WAN infrastructures have low bandwidth, high latency due to backhauling traffic and lack of application visibility, often resulting in poor user experience. In this sense, companies that have their core business based on services and processes performed through the Internet, can suffer from the reflexes of slow communications, unavailability of essential systems, data loss, and several other problems that generate loss of time and money.

Thus, an alternative to solve these problems is the SD-WAN, which allows more efficient and cheaper communication.

What is SD-WAN and how does it work, anyway?

Managing WAN has always been one of the most expensive and inflexible items in an enterprise network operation, however, new features in SD-WANtechnology have simplified management with the application of programmable network devices that enable analysts to make adjustments remotely. In addition, the system automatically performs a choice of the best routing, reducing costs and improving network performance.

What makes this service so efficient is precisely its software layer (SD, which stands for Software Defined), which guarantees the quality of service and data protection of Internet links, regardless of their type.

SD-WAN therefore allows traffic to be sent automatically via the most appropriate WAN path, while respecting safety conditions, the cost of the circuits and the requirements for the quality of services. This quality is ensured by intelligent software decision making, which uses link quality metrics such as response time, preventing routing from being based only on dynamic protocol such as its predecessor.

A Hybrid and Smart WAN

SD-WAN is used to create a kind of hybrid and intelligent WAN that can include an enterprise-class IP VPN, broadband internet and wireless services. And because SD-WAN technology monitors the available links and knows the requirements of each application, you can then choose the best way to send the traffic of a certain application at that moment.

If your company still uses the conventional WAN alternative and has the demand for a large amount of data traffic, you may be forced to acquire more than one communication link to avoid bottlenecks associated with the use of the resource and also apply contingency measure, if the main link will suffer some fall.

By adopting SD-WAN, it is possible to use redundant communication links, automatically managed by the application, practically eliminating the possibility of communication drops and failures. If you are on a video call, for example, and one of the links goes offline, the software automatically switches to the most appropriate service, such as a 4G wireless circuit, without this call interfering. In this way, the user obtains an automatic balance of the workload, generating higher performance and lower cost of routing.

All of these features will result in two simple things, sought after by any technology and business analyst who craves success: cost savings, more efficiency and productivity. SD-WAN, much more than facilitating and automating network management, enables enterprises to prepare for digital transformation, supporting more data traffic, more security, and collaborating for the development of the entire network.

If your business needs to grow, reducing costs, talk to us and see how to apply the SD-WAN concept with the OSTEC FireBox product.

Keep reading

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