General 2min de Leitura - 07 de June de 2015

How to increase the productivity of your IT staff

Equipe de TI trabalhando cada um em seu computador

This post is also available in: Português English Español

Most companies have an IT staff, even those who outsource part of the service retain IT staff. Moreover, it is not enough just to exist: an IT team needs to be productive; employees must know how to align the technology available in the market to add value to the business and, above all, generate positive results. Here are some ways you can increase the productivity of your company’s IT team:

Set goals for IT staff

This is the first recommendation to increase the productivity of your IT staff. After all, if you want to measure how much your team yields to the company, you need to evaluate it. Setting annual and semi-annual goals and expectations for your team is a great way to measure results at the end of the stipulated period.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to set realistic goals based on the company’s priority needs, and the team’s ability to execute them within a timeframe sufficient for the complete development of the tasks. By the application of these premises, it will be possible to follow goals, measuring results achieved and building a more productive philosophy within the team.

Find tools to increase productivity

Considering the technological advance in all the company’s business areas, in IT the scenario is no different. Nowadays, there are several tools for project management and collaborative work, from free to private and customizable tools. Find the one that is useful for the reality of your company and encourage your collaborators to use this tool daily, showing how the practice will facilitate the routine and the processes of the team.

Motivate your IT staff

For your employees to perform as expected, or even more, you need to motivate them, performing some simple actions. Establishing good communication, encouraging them and having attitudes, as well as acting as a leader are some actions that managers need to take to make their IT team more productive. Bonus and reward programs can also be developed among employees, demonstrating the importance of each one to the business, and making it clear that commitment to the company’s development will be recognized and rewarded.

You can also use motivational lectures, for employees to get out of the rut and learn, in a different way, how to develop their activities with more quality.

Provide positive feedback

It is common in companies to believe that an employee who works well is not doing more than their duty, but this inadequate attitude can discourage even the most competent employees. It is strongly encouraged to pass on positive feedbacks whenever your team is able to finalize a project on time and achieve the expected results. Call the team to praise them, thank them for the good results, motivating the recurrence of this fact. All of these actions will further unite your company’s IT staff and help increase everyone’s engagement, while leaving the work environment lighter and more enjoyable, as employees work happily, become more productive.

Finally, encourage positive attitudes, such as helping your colleague, cordiality, and do not let your IT staff work just for the sake of obligation: help them work with pleasure so they can get a more motivated and productive team.

This post is also available in: Português English Español