General 2min de Leitura - 16 de June de 2015

Information Security: What it is and why companies should invest

Captura de tela onde se pode ler security system

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[rev_slider alias=”360×280-boas-praticas-iso-27002″][/rev_slider]Information security is an increasingly relevant subject, which over the last few years has gone from behind the scenes to become the news headline in different means of communication. Business is increasingly connected; people are increasingly connected. It is a universe of data, information, knowledge and experiences being transported and stored centrally and also highly distributed by small and large content providers and infrastructure.

The benefits brought by the internet, the evolution of protocols, devices, are unquestionable, and there is no reason to go back. However, every change requires reflection and learning; people and companies need to be prepared for the new challenges of this highly connected world, otherwise all the benefits can quickly turn into highly negative points. Understand what it is, what the principles are and why investing in information security matters.

What is Information Security

Information Security relies on a family of international standards, developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) of the 27000 series. Its basic concepts are described in ISO 27001, which defines Information Security as the protection against any type of threat to the information of an organization (of any nature, branch or size), thus ensuring business continuity and operations, reducing possible losses and even maximizing returns on investments.

The focus of this protection should prioritize three aspects of information: confidentiality, integrity and availability. Whenever we approach Information Security, we must also speak of these 3 pillars.


In a nutshell, confidentiality will bring the organization certainty that information will only be accessed by authorized people, that is, those who actually need access.


Integrity, on the other hand, will be in charge of attesting that the information is the same from the moment it was generated until its disposal (the so-called information lifecycle), that is, which has not undergone undue modifications along the way.


And finally, availability will ensure that the information will be fully accessible, whenever its use is deemed necessary. The issue of availability is still strongly tied to other concepts such as business continuity and disaster recovery plans.

Why Investing in Information Security

Therefore, the advantages of the investment and why your company needs to invest in Information Security, are precisely in the concept and in these three attributes that it safeguards, in addition to prioritizing the return on investments made. Means such as the information lifecycle, information classification and others, can bring quality to the processes and the day to day of a company, making it organize itself better.

With these good practices already defined and being used correctly, the use of tools such as firewall, internet access control, productivity control, secure remote access and e-mail securityis facilitated, only having to choose a partner who has the appropriate experience and qualification to offer in a clear way which are the most suitable for your company, since the objectives will already be defined.

Of course this is a hard road, which (at least initially) should not be tackled alone, as the focus on business needs and activities should always remain. Hence the reason for choosing a partner or specialized company, who must also have the expertise to read the expectations and needs of the organization and to point out where they will be found in the tools.

Does your company invest in Information Security? Share your experiences and questions here!

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This post is also available in: Português English Español