General 3min de Leitura - 21 de February de 2017

Management Wi-Fi access at events, learn about best practices

mão segurando celular preto com o sinal do wifi em sua tela.

This post is also available in: Português English Español

Internet access has become an indispensable tool in events such as lectures, congresses, sports events, entertainment, among others. Some events are highly dependent on internet Wi-Fi for their realization, others use the resource to provide greater convenience to the participants, however, it is difficult to imagine, at present, events that do not contain this resource.

Although mobile data plans have become more affordable, there is still a huge challenge in terms of both price and quality. Because of this, even if mobile internet access is available, it cannot always be used, since it depends fundamentally on a good signal, which can be highly disadvantageous in places with a large number of people, such as the case of large events.

The management of Wi-Fi accessin events should be planned and structured in order to meet needs on the prospects of quality, availability and especially security.

That is because many people can use public means of accessing the internet to perform illicit activities, which can range from information theft, attacks and access to inappropriate content, pedophilia, and so many others. Because of this, it is fundamental that even if the access is free, it has the minimum information about the user.

In this post, we will introduce some basic and essential elements of Wi-Fi access management, so that you can make the resource available in events, or even in corporate environments, without exposing users or creating vulnerabilities harmful to the environment.

Wi-Fi access management by using Captive Portal

Although the name is not understood by laypeople, captive portalis nothing more than an interface or screen that precedes a user’s first internet access. This can be used on a private network, as well as on a public network; there are no usage restrictions.

The main benefit of Captive Portal is to allow prior communication with the user before they enter the network, and because of this, you can guide them about the allowed use, and inform them about good practices, such as not to use financial institutions, access illicit content, as well as inform that the accesses are registered.

More important than offering an access term, Captive Portal may require a previous registration, so that it is possible to identify the user uniquely, thus linking a certain access (and their records) with someone or some device. This is very important and provides compliance with the Civil Internet Framework.

There are several deployments of Portal Captive, and it can serve to a variety of purposes, but the main goal is to create an intermediate layer of first access, and especially to identify the user, facilitating access tracking if necessary.   [rev_slider hotspot-seguro]

Access storage

All accesses made by users on a public network must be registered, it is important that this is clear and that the customer accepts this. Contrary to popular belief, this does not only protect the company, or characterizes invasion of privacy, but this is a great defense for the client.

This means that any access made by a user, client or participant of the event is duly registered for a period, so that it can be used for consultation in the event of any need for investigation initiated by the competent institutions.

An eligible customer will not be bothered to accept a term of use where the rules for internet access are established, on the contrary, he will understand this as a defense resource for himself. However, it is worth noting that the actions suggested do not prevent these networks from being used by criminals and malicious people, but potentially reduces the risks. Since many devices are disposable, if the offender really wants to carry out some illegal activity, they will certainly use other means to commit illicit activity.

Content management

Knowing the purposes of offering internet access, it may be interesting to manage access types not allowed to users. This is relatively common, so it is strongly recommended that certain content be blocked for any user.

These contents generally offer doubtful or clearly illicit material or, even in disagreement with the policy of the company, which is offering the service. Content piracy, cracking and warez, sexually explicit material, pedophilia and the like can be banned globally from these networks.

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This post is also available in: Português English Español