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Proxy web: Concepts, types and terminologies

[rev_slider alias="ebook-filtro-web-360x280"][/rev_slider] The steady increase in the use of web services - such as access to...

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Cabos conectados na traseira de um rack

Web Proxy: How can you save bandwidth?

Although not the primary function of a web proxy, many implementations, in addition to enabling controls...

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e-mails icon on notebook

3 Essential Tips for Email Security

E-mail is an essential communication tool in companies' daily routines, for not only speeding up the...

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teclado de notebook com um globo vetorizado sobreposto

Secure remote access and communication over VPN

[rev_slider alias="360x280-vpn-beneficios-e-aplicacoes"][/rev_slider]With a more and more globalized economy, companies start to look for geographical spraying, with...

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ISO 27000

ISO 27000, first steps with the standard

[rev_slider alias="360x280-aprovacao-na-iso-27002"][/rev_slider] The topic of information security is widely discussed and evidenced in the corporate environment,...

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