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Digital security is one of the issues that are in vogue in the technology sector, after all, we are increasingly connected through applications and data generating devices, of the most varied types, essential for the daily lives of people and companies.
When it comes to the corporate environment, the use of the internet and the dissemination of the concept of IoT (Internet of things), contributes to the creation of an increasingly challenging universe, from the perspective of digital security. The amount of information and data generating devices in organizations must be widely understood by analysts and CEOs of companies.
The lack of knowledge about corporate data and information is a challenge to be overcome, especially when it comes to CEOs and decision makers in organizations. This concern is currently endorsed by the General Data Protection Law, which will come into force in August 2020. The LGPD provides guidelines for the capture and storage of personal data, and is also a motivator for maintaining digital security in companies.
This blog post will address items associated with the importance of digital security in corporate environments, as well as its benefits for business, using a context accessible to CEOs of companies of various sizes and segments. Keep reading!
Why do CEOs need to care about digital security?
If we are increasingly dependent on the technologies that are part of our lives, it is natural that CEOs turn their attention to cybersecurity, after all, this does not guarantee only protection against information theft and other virtual attacks. Digital security ensures resource savings, more productivity in the work environment, less effort and time spent on crisis management and, consequently, cost reduction.
Several CEOs around the world are already aware that in a scenario where companies are increasingly connected and dependent on information, so security breaches can be catastrophic. A Bsqueare report even pointed out that 86% of industries are already implementing systems, devices and other solutions based on the Internet of Things in their operations, such as applications related to machine control, inventory control, energy consumption monitoring, control of movement, position and speed of equipment, monitoring of incoming and outgoing information, work safety and improvements in cybersecurity.
Another survey carried out by IDC showed that more than 58% of Brazilian CEOs defined digital security as one of the main strategies for the year 2018. However, we know that despite considering it important, in practice, the digital security measures adopted are often insufficient.
What are the direct benefits of digital security for your business?
Perhaps what makes CEOs believe it is an important strategy, but fails to implement effective actions, is precisely the inability to see the direct benefits that digital security actions can bring to the organization.
It is also important that CEOs understand that they do not need to know everything about information technology, but rather that they understand everything about their business and are able to assess which are the best solutions and professionals to assist in this process.
Below, we also list some immediate benefits that the implementation of effective digital security actions can bring to business.
Digital security generates more productivity
In a previous post we presented data on the profile of internet use in Brazilian companies. One revealed that 80% of respondents spent up to 3 hours a day accessing content not related to work on the internet. Such an event generates highly representative losses for companies and the problem grows according to the size and culture of the organization.
Applying controls over internet use is not a way of curtailing freedom, it is a way of ensuring productivity and protecting both the organization and the employees themselves, who may be victims of attacks, data theft and various other problems related to lack of digital security.
Digital security is essential to avoid spending and crises
If even giants like Facebook, Google and Nasa are the victims of attacks, what guarantees that your company is immune?
A survey released by Forbes revealed that the cost of data breaches will rise to $ 2.1 trillion worldwide by 2019, increasing the estimated cost of breaches to almost four times in 2015.
The internet is infested with viruses, some of them known as Ransomwares can come through files downloaded in insecure ways, suspicious websites and even by email. This malware hijacks data and, in return, requires a payment for the release of the stolen files. Although it is not advisable to pay, as there is no guarantee that crackers will fulfill their part of the “agreement”, in a way the company will experience a major problem when trying to recover files, save data, not to mention lost time and effort spent to resolve this situation. And this situation can be aggravated if the attack focuses on the exposure of company data, which would result in complications foreseen in the LGPD.
Identifying and preventing attacks can be the advantage that will ensure that your business does not fall apart overnight!
Digital security can be a competitive advantage
If cybersecurity measures can guarantee more profit and more productivity, they consequently become a competitive differential for your business.
If your product or service involves a digital solution, security can serve as a selling point and generate credibility with your customer.
It is also important to remember that with the new General Data Protection Law, those companies that fit in and guarantee total security of the information that circulates in their networks, will undoubtedly have advantages in relation to their competitors.
How to implement effective digital security measures in your business?
As mentioned earlier, one of the CEO’s main functions is to understand the gains obtained with the implementation of digital security solutions and to encourage teams of analysts to look for alternatives in the market to meet such demands.
If the company does not have professionals within the team to address these demands, it is important that CEOs seek assistance from companies specializing in digital security to define the first steps in search of a more, available, productive and secure structure.
Projects focused on digital security have a short period of return on investment, being an excellent option for companies of various sizes and segments.
This post is also available in: Português English Español